Citrus Clonal Protection Program Fund
The purpose of the CCPP program is to:
1) To provide a safe mechanism for the introduction into California, of citrus varieties from any citrus-growing area of the world for purposes of research, variety improvement, or direct use by the commercial industry.
2) To maintain blocks of trees that serve as the primary source of disease free, true to type budwood of all important fruit and rootstock varieties for California's citrus industry and citrus researchers.
Edmond C. Calavan Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Calavan award was established in memory of Dr. Edmond Calavan, who was among the most influential scientist to the citrus industry worldwide. Dr. Calavan pioneered the establishment of the first citrus germplasm program in the world (UCR's Citrus Clonal Protection Program) and conducted transformative research in the citrus pathology field. The scholarship is awarded annually to one meritorious graduate student in the Plant Pathology Graduate Program at the University of California, Riverside.
Leo J. Klotz Travel Grant Fund
The Klotz travel grant is funded by the L.J. Klotz Memorial fund in honor of Leo Klotz a former member in the department and a distinguished plant pathologist. The intent of the fund was to support the attendance at scientific conferences of students studying plant pathology. Dr. Klotz is best known for his research on Phytophthora diseases of citrus, but also studied other pathogens and hosts such as palm.
Recent conferences students have attended with fund support from the Klotz fund include: American Society of Virology Conference, American Phytopathological Society Conference, and the Mycological Society of America Conference.
Peter and Pamela Tsao Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship Award Fund
The Peter and Pamela Tsao Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship Award was established on behalf of Drs. Peter and Pamela Tsao, who began their research careers at UC-Riverside in 1956. Dr. Peter Tsao is an authority on the biology, ecology, and pathology of species in the genus Phytophthora and on the biological and cultural control of soil-borne diseases of citrus and avocado caused by Phytophthora spp. Dr. Pamela Tsao’s research formed critical contributions towards an improved understanding of pear decline, insect vectors of plant pathogens, and the development of fungal species in three phyla that could be used as biocontrol agents for mosquitos. The Tsao Scholarship is awarded to meritorious graduate students in the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology. A faculty committee identifies an applicant(s) that has demonstrated excellence in research and creative forward-thinking in their dissertation research.
Phytophthora Collection Fund
The World Phytophthora Genetic Resource Collection (WPC) contains about 8000 isolates of over 140 species collected from multiple hosts or aquatic environments and from worldwide locations. It is unique in terms of the genetic diversity present as determined by numerous studies involving pathology, ecology, genomics, and molecular phylogeny.
The WPC is entirely dependent on charges for cultures and DNA. Without these charges and donations the collection would be lost.
Microbiology and Plant Pathology Department Fund
Donations to the Microbiology and Plant Pathology Department fund supports the excellence of the faculty, graduate students, and staff in the department. This fund also helps support the annual Microbiology Department Scholarship for graduate students. The Microbiology and Plant Pathology (MPP) Department is, by nature, interdisciplinary in its research pursuits. This award was established by the MPP department to highlight this diversity and to recognize excellence in student research as a major contributor to the interdisciplinary strengths of the department.
Ways to Make a Donation:
By Credit Card
Click here to access UCR's secure website. Please enter "Microbiology" or "Pathology" in the search bar to donate directly to our department fund under the name Microbiology and Plant Pathology Department .
By Check
Make checks payable to the UC Riverside Foundation, note the fund to which the donation should be made, and mail to:
UCR Foundation
PO Box 5068
Riverside, CA 92517-5068